Your lyrics + 

our tunes = 

something special

Surprise someone you know, with a unique song, written by you!

No music skills, no problem

Whether you have a knack for writing, singing, or playing music ...or not, our professional musicians take your personalized lyrics and craft an unforgettable song.

How it works

Choose your style

Select a music genre, listen to the samples, then select your artist & song. Or even let us decide!

Lyrics Music

Submit your lyrics and your artist will work with you to transform them into a one-of-a-kind song.

Studio recording

Once ready to go, your artist heads to the studio to record, mix, and master your song.

Receive your song

Your custom song is delivered as an MP3 and streaming link to make for the perfect gift.

Frequently asked questions

How long will my song be?

Song length will vary depending on the song chosen and lyrics provided, but the minimum song length is 2:30 and maximum is 4:00 minutes.

Will all my lyrics be used in the song?

Our goal is to create a great song, and use as much of your submitted lyrics as possible, exactly how you submitted them. Please note that the music and vocals will dictate the ebb and flow of the song, so minor changes might be made to create the best song possible.

How long does it take my musician to create my song?

Once your lyrics are submitted and your order is paid for, it typically takes about 7 days for your song to be completely finished and delivered.


In some cases, your artist may need clarifications on the lyrics and reach out to you. This can prolong the delivery time by a few days, but ensures you will receive your song without any revisions needed. We appreciate your understanding with this.

How much does it cost?

Prices vary slightly depending on the amount of lyrics you want to include in your song. Our standard "Use My Exact Lyrics" submission is $249 that is written over a genre song of your choice (typically: verse, verse, chorus, versus, chorus). If you would like a "Song From Scratch", please reach out to

Watch Randy's reaction as he hears his song, 
written just for him, for the first time!

Check out Marianne's surprise anniversary gift, and Randy's 'OMG' moment!

900+ Happy Customers,
in 16 countries, all original songs

Songs With You Reviews on Trustpilot

Let's surprise your special someone together 

Need help crafting the perfect lyrics?

If you prefer to provide us with information and have our professional musicians write the lyrics, we offer that too!


Choose from one of our four genres and many song samples, or create a brand new sound just for you with a 'Song From Scratch'!  ...perfect for any occasion.

Already pay for your custom song?

Song Already Purchased

Existing Orders

If you already submitted payment, but now wish to use your own lyrics, then this is for you.

Time to Delivery

Our musicians will need extra time to incorporate your lyrics into your song. An additional cost is required.

Your Lyrics

We do our absolute best to include your lyrics in the exact format they were submitted. But occasionally a few adjusts need to be made to ensure the musicality of the song.


We've received 100% satisfaction from every customer requesting to use their own lyrics :)